The Grateful Love Foundation

Supported. Valued. Respected. Included.

Grateful Love is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is on a mission to educate, advocate and empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities ages birth-18 years. 

We strive to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities by creating an inclusive environment that provides educational activities, daily living skills and social engagement.

  • Advocate

    We strive to make sure every child and their family receives the support and services they need. This also empowers children and their families with tools they need to advocate for themselves.

  • Raise Awareness

    We work to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities through educational activities and events.

  • Empower

    Empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by helping to behold their self-esteem, confidence and social skills through activities and events

Join Our Parents’ Support Group!

There are so many parents who have children with disabilities that feel overwhelmed, don’t have a lot of support or just feel like people don’t understand what they go through to raise their child. The purpose of this group is to serve as an outlet, where caregivers can come laugh, cry, encourage and obtain ideas from other parents walking in their shoes.

  • Date: Every Fourth Sunday of every Month 

  • Time: 2pm-4pm

  • Place: Via Zoom, email for Meeting ID and password 

Merchandise & Accessories

Merchandise & Accessories

Shop Grateful Love merchandise and accessories.

Thank you for your order and Grateful Love truly appreciates your support! Please allow 7-14 business days to receive your order.

Walk for God’s Angels

God’s Angels was established in 2011 to celebrate Down syndrome Awareness. Families and friends come together to support their loved ones with Down Syndrome.